Thank you for reading and thank you for continuing the conversation. I have realised that a big part of this struggle is that we don’t talk about it. Even though we are suffering with this seismic shift, we are ashamed to say that we are not truly happy with the status quo, because the expectation is that as mothers we should just be thankful.
I also think that one of the biggest lies that we tell ourselves is that there is one path to happiness, that you don’t change careers or life direction, unless you have to, unless you are forced. This is obviously not true. Because it is ok to change our minds, it is ok not to have the same goals we did 10 years ago and that doesn’t mean we failed.
In this aspect, women are stronger than men; because we acknowledge this and make changes. However, because those changes are more often than not accompanied by the cloak of motherhood, many think that as a new moms we have “given in”, that we somehow failed the “traditional feminist agenda” (talk about an oxymoron)… when it couldn’t be further from the truth.
It takes guts to make a change, to have different priorities and as a society we need to be more accepting of both women and men who at some point in their lives choose a different path.